Re: Modifying existing submissions (

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 20:14 +0100, Chris Le Sueur wrote:
> Thomas Wood wrote:
> > The code for the website is available in the art-web module of gnome 
> > cvs. The main issue is that submissions and added themes are in separate 
> > tables, which makes updating added themes a little tricky. The other 
> > issue is that it isn't possible for users to upload their own themes at 
> > the moment, so any updates still should have to go through the 
> > submission process. If can think of a good technical solution on how to 
> > update themes, let me know!
> > 
> > 
> > -Thomas
> Well, without having checked-out the art-web module, I'd say that, since 
> there are details of the submitted themes in each user's page, there's a 
> link between a user and their themes. It's a small step then, I would've 
> thought, to at the least provide a "Modify" button which makes editable 
> fields such as description and title.

In fact I think there is an "update" button, but only for themes (or
maybe only for backgrounds) that have been added. This simply copies the
existing details into a new submission form.

> Obviously, actually uploads are a little more tricky to code, something 
> that goes beyond my current knowledge of web-based programming, but it's 
> another small leap once that works to include a facility to upload other 
> versions of an existing theme.

PHP uploads are disabled on as they have been a security risk
in the past. I've been looking into creating a python script, but that
would still need the approval of the sysadmin team.

> If there is currently no actual link to each specific submitted theme 
> for each user, then you could create a field for it and create the 
> actual reference be going in reverse: each theme has a link to a 
> specific user, so it's easy enough to work backwards that way.

It is fairly trivial to lookup themes the author has had added to the
database (that's what the /users/ code does). However, the tricky part
is that there is no link between the submissions and the actual
available themes. At the moment, the account.php shows only items from
the submissions list, however, I would like to use the available themes
list to display the themes actually added.

Allowing people to make minor adjustments to their own theme
(description, title, etc) seems like a good idea, but I have been wary
about implementing it in case it is abused.

CC'ing the artweb-list for comments.


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