Re: "Missing information" bugs

<::... SchAmane ...::> wrote:

У Птн, 2005-07-08 у 20:45 +0100, Thomas Wood пише:
There are quite a few bugs filed that mention there is missing information in the theme listings, such as:

* Indication of SVG/PNG icon themes
* Indication of Metacity themes following GTK colours
* gtk-engine information missing from gtk themes
* Install instructions missing on theme pages

I dont realy know what for you need this info. One usefull information
to me seems "gtk-engine usage", so we can place link to this gtk-engine
on the same page as Theme which seems to use it. It should be easy to
parse. gtkrc have only one "engine" string.

I dont get why i (as normal user) should know what is difference between
PNG and SVG theme, or even what is "following GTK colours". This not
interesting to me.

I think whether the theme changes colour according your GTK theme might be interesting to users. The user might not like the colour in the screenshot on the website, but if they know the colour will change depending on their application theme, they may like the theme more. I agree that whether an icon theme is svg or png shouldn't really be much of a concern, since it's really a technical issue.

The real issue is for the items that have specific extra information, how best do we display this on the theme listings and the detail pages. I've always thought that a small icon on the preview thumbnail might be useful, but I'm not sure how to attach this, dynamically in html if possible. There are some other extra bits of information which may be useful to display on listings as well, such as the presence of variations of a theme or background. I think a set of small icons to display this information would be nice, but I don't want to make the listings appear crowded. I would still like to be able to let people know in the listings how many comments are available for each item as well, but currently there just isn't enough space. Perhaps we need to redesign the listings?


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