Re: [xslt] Can't find libxml2 configuration

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 09:27 +0800, åå wrote:
> 	I have installed libxml2-2.6.19 on AIX5, and have wrote some programs
> which base on libxml2. It works well. But when I want to add xslt
> support to my program, I find that libxslt can't find the
> configuration of libxml2. The following is the error message that the
> xslt configure command output:
> 	.............	
> 	checking for libxml libraries >= 2.6.17... configure: error: Could not find libx
> ml2 anywhere, check

Install libxml2-devel.

Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazquez ivazquez net>

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