Re[6]: [xslt] xsltproc & xinclude & entites

Hello Daniel,

Thursday, November 20, 2003, 5:16:46 PM, you wrote:

>>  And one more question: why doesn't html serializer add <!DOCTYPE> to
>>  output when "doctype-public" & "doctype-system" attributes are set in
>>  <xsl:output/> tag?
DV>   that should work, bugzilla with an example reproducing the problem, please.
 Before I bugzilla this, I want to refine: <!DOCTYPE> is not added to
 additional documents, which are created with XSLT1.1 <xsl:document>
 instruction. But whole my site is created from one XML source via
 this instructions.

 When here are no <xsl:document> instruction and xsltproc uses default
 output (stdoutr), it adds <!DOCTYPE> properly.

 xsltproc gives error (xsltApplyOneTemplate: output was not compiled)
 if I add <xsl:output> instruction inside <xsl:document>, and don't
 add <!DOCTYPE> in such case too.

 May be this is not a bug, but my fault in such case?

Best regards,

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