Re: [xslt] Re: Creating directories (Ben Godfrey)

Hi Keith,

Yes, other people I have talked to about XSL have suggested that 
my best approach would be to extract the filesystem parts out 
into a generated script. It is interesting that you mention 
makefiles, one guy I spoke to suggested using Ant, Apache's XML 
make tool, this would allow me to 'keep it all in the family' as 
it were.

The file management needs of my application are slight, the odd 
file copy etc, otherwise I wouldn't have considered trying to do 
it from XSLT. The side-effect is that I could probably implement 
a custom app using a SAX parser that quickly reads the XML and 
does any file manipulation before invoking the XSL phase.

At the moment the projects making it's first fumbling steps, so 
it implementation may well change drastically in the next week 
or two.


On Wednesday, July 3, 2002, at 05:17 , wrote:

> Hi,
> I've had success creating perl scripts on the fly
> using XML, XSLT and xsltproc. These I run as
> normal from my application (actualy I do this in
> my Makefiles). I'm of the opinion that xsltproc
> (libxml2/xslt) should not need to get involved in
> shell/operating system related functions.
> Comments?
> Keith
> Isdale
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