[Setup-tool-hackers] Required init.d files installation.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Burra wrote:

> Are setup-tools suppose to create new files and rc scripts or do they have
> to use the ones provided by the distros?
> It would make my life much easier if I could create my own
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/firewall script and supporting files :)
> Which is the proper way?

The proper way is to use the scripts provided by the distro, if they
provide. If the script does not use a sepparate file to set the params for
firewall, and require manual programming, then disregard it and use you
own, sending the corresponding services.pl function to deactivate the
service provided by the distro (xst_service_sysv_stop or sth like that).

Because the firewall system has to still work when the setup tools are
uninstalled, these files have to bee installed by the backend at
run-time. The directory where the script will reside before being
installed doesn't exist yet, and we haven't coded the routines that would
install them. These routines have to be in service.pl, and should call the
service.pl routines that tell where the init.d scripts reside depending on
the distro.

Probably the best solution is to create a different firewall script for
every distro that requires a new firewall init.d script, and create a
directory /usr/share/setup-tool-backends/init.d where a directory with the
name of each distro that requires scripts is created. Then put the
distro-specific scripts there.




As I mentioned, these scripts would be installed at run-time, when the
backend detects that the scripts are missing and the distro requires it.

Another point is that maybe these scripts should be named xst-firewall,
instead of just firewall, to avoid possible name-clashes, and to warn
advanced users of what stuff was installed and is running.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@ximian.com

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