Re: disk admin.

> - User installs Linux, the <RMD (Removable Media Device)> is not
> recognized/working. (this happens a lot)

What is this RMD?

> - A device is marked as only usable by root. So only root can read/write
> to floppy/CD-ROM.

> - User adds a <RMD>, the <RMD> is not working.
> - User removes/unplugs a <RMD> we need to clean the /etc/fstab and remove
> the /mnt/dirname

That is the wrong approach.  Because that is using the kernel, and the
kernel sucks at dealing with removable media.  You want to use mtools
which does not require mounting devices.

I would like to focus on the other problem instead.

> - A device was not correctly recognized. Say he has a CD-RW and in the
> fstab
> file it is marked as read only


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