Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] Complexity buttons

>> By the way, what happens to the complexity buttons when we have more than two
>> levels of complexity? Would you have to go to maximum complexity and then
>> back (bouncing back and forth between "basic" and "advanced")?

> We could cycle through something like "More Options >>", "Full Options >>"
> and "<< Few Options". Those frontends with only two modes could go from
> "More" to "Few".

Yeah. We should never have more than three modes anyway.

> The thing is that "basic" and "advanced" seems to be addressed towards the
> user, in a patronising way. Going to advanced mode seems like an action
> reserved for advanced users, which may discourage the initiative of
> exploration from the unexperienced and timid user.

I agree with you. I guess we'll still name the modes TOOL_COMPLEXITY_BASIC
and TOOL_COMPLEXITY_ADVANCED internally, since we need the unambiguous

Hans Petter

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