Re: GNOME Roadmap - Information requests

Hi Dan,

Sorry, I haven't replied that message before because it got lost in
middle of huge amount of e-mails. :-/

I just realized that for some reason the message was not sent to you
even though your name and module were in the list. Sorry for that.
Could you please follow the instructions[1] and reply or create the
wiki page?




2007/4/24, Dan Winship <danw gnome org>:
Vincent Untz wrote:
> Le mardi 24 avril 2007, à 10:29, Dan Winship a écrit :
>> AFAICT, I didn't get a message as libsoup maintainer (to danw gnome org,
>> danw novell com, or danw ximian com).
> That's weird: the list Lucas created had your email address
> for libsoup.

Ah, GroupWise. (This is why I've been using my address for
things lately.) I assume you used that address because it's what's in
libsoup's MAINTAINERS file? Or is there some other maintainer database too?

Can you check if you got a bounce message back from the Novell mail
servers, and forward it to me (with headers) if so? And if not, could
you send me the Message-Id and approximate time the message was sent
(should be available in the copy in your Sent folder). Thanks.

-- Dan
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