Re: [Planner] Planner compile failure: You must have XML::Parser installed

On Sun, 2004-02-08 at 11:36, Richard Hult wrote:
> sön 2004-02-08 klockan 01.11 skrev Malcolm Tredinnick:
> > That won't change anything. You need to have the third-part Perl module
> > XML::Parser installed now for intltool to work. This is a pain in the
> > neck, but that is the way life goes.
> > 
> > I am not sure what the package name is that will supply this module on
> > Slackware.
> I thought that was in CVS between 0.28 and 0.29 only?

Sadly, no. The other problem that was around was the module,
which was there for a while around 0.28 and is now gone. However,
intltool still needs a proper XML parser and they have settled upon this
XML::Parser thing that is apparently semi-standard in Perl land.

This is somewhat annoying, since it introduces a very awkward
installation hurdle (nobody ships XML::Parser by default), but at the
same time, intltool does need to use a proper XML parser, rather than
the reg-ex line-by-line parsing method that was being used previously.


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