Re: [Planner Dev] Gantt View

On Thu, 2005-02-17 at 23:52 +0100, lbell wrote:
> The static display patch is what is ready now. I plan (!) to work on 
> dynamic column selection in the near future if this modification is 
> worth the work. I don't want to put in the program more work than is 
> necessary to suit my needs if i am the one interested to the subject.

You're certainly not the only one interested in this - I certainly am,
and I think most people would welcome the ability to customize which
columns are displayed.

I'd even go further and want to include the ability to display custom
task properties and even customized calculated fields (such as a price
column that's a markup from cost)...  but then again, I'm greedy.  ;-)

Kurt Maute <kurt maute us>

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