[Planner Dev] Totally unrelated, but hoping someone can help

Hi Guys,

I got a comment post to my blog in German and unfortunately I don't
speak the language. I know Planner is a pretty international group so I
am hoping someone on the list can help me out. Here is the comment:

Hi du hast echt coole bilder im netz!!!
Ich hoffe du verstehst deutsch.Wenn nicht schau dir einfach nur die
Buchstaben an ok dann machs mal gut!!!
Gruß Patrick

I think I have translated the first couple of sentences correctly:

You have genuinely cool pictures on the net!!! I hope you understand
German. <Sentence I can't translate>

Can anyone help me finish the translation, specifically the last


Chris Ladd
Email: caladd particlestorm net
Web: http://www.particlestorm.net
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