Re: [Planner Dev] Patch for planner Bugzilla 138595 Task up and down should work on selections.

Richard Hult wrote:


patch says that this diff has "misordered hunks". The hunks that it
succeeds in applying seems to have weird indentation so I suspect that
there is a { missing or something like that.

The indentation isn't because of a missing {  (else it wouldn't
compile clean) but because we give you patches without whitespace
adgustments :) and existing code need to be tabbed out because
its now inside a new if {} block.

Could you please see if there is anything wrong and maybe generate a new
patch against CVS when it has synced the commits from today?

The attached diff is against planner-task-tree.c v1.15 so won't have
misordered hunks -  the version yesterday was against 1.14. If it
doesn't patch can you tell me which version of planner-task-tree.c
you have. As mentioned Bonsai not working so I have no visibilty of


Index: src/planner-task-tree.c
RCS file: /cvs/gnome/planner/src/planner-task-tree.c,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -b -B -p -r1.15 planner-task-tree.c
--- src/planner-task-tree.c	4 Apr 2004 15:12:34 -0000	1.15
+++ src/planner-task-tree.c	7 Apr 2004 01:59:49 -0000
@@ -2538,9 +2538,11 @@ planner_task_tree_move_task_up (PlannerT
 	GtkTreeModel	 *model;
 	GtkTreePath	 *path;
 	MrpProject  	 *project;
-	MrpTask	    	 *task, *parent, *sibling;
-	GList	    	 *list;
+	MrpTask	    	 *task, *parent, *sibling, *temptask;
+	GList	    	 *list, *l, *m;
 	guint	    	  position;
+	gboolean	  proceed, skip;
+	gint		  count;
 	/* FIXME: undo */
@@ -2555,27 +2557,47 @@ planner_task_tree_move_task_up (PlannerT
-	task = list->data;
+	proceed = TRUE;  /* seed this */
+	count = 0 ;
+	for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {
+		count++;
+		task = l->data;
 	position = mrp_task_get_position (task);
 	parent = mrp_task_get_parent (task);
 	selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree));
 	model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree));
-	if (position == 0) {
-		/* Task on the top of the list */
-	} else {
+	/* We now check if the parent is selected as well me. as If it is then 
+	* we skip checks on our position and skip moving because its just not relevant ! 
+	*/
+		skip = FALSE;
+		for (m = list; m; m = m->next) {
+			temptask = m->data;
+			if (temptask == parent ) {
+				skip = TRUE; 
+			}
+		}
+		if (position == 0 && count ==1) {
+	/* We stop everything if at top of list and first task else just stop moving this one task */
+			proceed = FALSE;
+		} 
+		if (skip == FALSE && position != 0 && proceed) {
 		sibling = mrp_task_get_nth_child (parent, 
 						  position - 1);
 		/* Move task from 'position' to 'position-1' */
 		mrp_project_move_task (project, task, sibling, 
 				       parent, TRUE, NULL);
-		path = planner_gantt_model_get_path_from_task (
-			PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (model), task);
+			path = planner_gantt_model_get_path_from_task (PLANNER_GANTT_MODEL (model), 
+									task);
 		gtk_tree_selection_select_path (selection, path);
+	}
 	task_tree_unblock_selection_changed (tree);
+	g_list_free (list);
@@ -2585,9 +2607,11 @@ planner_task_tree_move_task_down (Planne
 	GtkTreeModel	 *model;
 	GtkTreePath	 *path;
 	MrpProject 	 *project;
-	MrpTask	   	 *task, *parent, *sibling;
-	GList		 *list;
+	MrpTask	   	 *task, *parent, *sibling, *temptask;
+	GList		 *list, *l , *m;
 	guint		  position;
+	gboolean	  proceed, skip;
+	gint		  count;
 	/* FIXME: undo */
@@ -2600,16 +2624,38 @@ planner_task_tree_move_task_down (Planne
 	if (list == NULL) {
 		/* Nothing selected */
-	} else {
-		task = list->data;
+	}
+	list = g_list_reverse (list);  /* swap the selection around */
+	proceed = TRUE;  /* seed this */
+	count = 0 ;
+	for (l = list; l; l = l->next) {
+		count++;
+		task = l->data;
 		position = mrp_task_get_position (task);
 		parent = mrp_task_get_parent (task);
 		selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree));
 		model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree));
-		if (position == (mrp_task_get_n_children (parent) - 1) ) {
-			/* The task is in the bottom of the list */
-		} else {
+	/* We now check if parent is selected also. If so then we skip checks on our position as its not relevant  */
+		skip = FALSE;
+		for (m = list; m; m = m->next) {
+			temptask = m->data;
+			if (temptask == parent ) {
+				skip = TRUE; 
+			}
+		}
+		if (position == (mrp_task_get_n_children (mrp_project_get_root_task (project)) - 1) && count ==1) {
+	/* We stop if at bottom of project and first attempt at moving stuff else just stop moving this one task */
+			proceed = FALSE;
+		} else if ((skip == FALSE) && (position == (mrp_task_get_n_children (parent) - 1)) && (count ==1)) {
+	/* If the parent task is selected then we don't care if we are at the bottom of our particular position */ 
+			proceed = FALSE;
+		} 
+		if (skip == FALSE && position <= (mrp_task_get_n_children (parent) - 1) && proceed) {
 			sibling = mrp_task_get_nth_child (parent, position + 1);
 			/* Moving task from 'position' to 'position + 1' */
 			mrp_project_move_task (project, task, sibling, 
@@ -2621,6 +2667,7 @@ planner_task_tree_move_task_down (Planne
 	task_tree_unblock_selection_changed (tree);
+	g_list_free (list);

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