Re: Can't Generate C++ Files with ORBit2 C++ Bindings

Larry S Gustafson wrote:


This looks like gcc 2.95.x virtual inheretance problem recently (a month ago) discussed here. You need to apply patches posted here and rebuild orbitcpp to workaround problem in c++ idl backend.

All the best,

I installed ORBit2 and the C++ bindings on a Linux machine. The
installation process required me to run the commands "./configure", "make"
and while logged on as root the "make install" command on the packages:

ORBit2-2.7.1.tar.gz (note: To install ORBit2 I have to define the following
environment variables:
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib/"
     export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/bin/")

The installation appeared to be successful. However, when I tried to
compile the my IDL file with the C++ option, I got C++ files with only a
comment in them and no code.

I compiled the NavObj.idl file which was generated from a model in Rational
Rose2003 with the following interface:

//Source file: C:/Docs/Netfires/NavTest2/NavObj.idl


/* CmIdentification
 %X% %Q% %Z% %W% */

module Navigation {

     /* This structure defines the data fields of the Navigation message.

     struct NavDataType {
           string messageSignature;
           long messageVersionNumber;
           float gpsTime;
           float latitude;
           float longitude;
           float altitude;
           float heading;
           float pitch;
           float roll;
           float speed;

     /* This class defines the interface for the uRouter to Link/MAC
Navigation message. */

     interface NavObj {
           @roseuid 3F158A5A00D1 */
           boolean pushNav (
                 in Navigation::NavDataType navData




I first compiled the C files with the command: orbit-idl-2 NavObj.idl. The
C files are good.

I then tried to compile the C++ files with the command: orbit-idl-2 -l cpp
NavObj.idl, which resulted in the following error:

cptsim cptsim1:~/netfires/test-cpp$ orbit-idl-2 -l cpp NavObj.idl
orbit-idl-2 2.7.1 compiling
 mode, show preprocessor errors, passes: stubs skels common headers
skel_impl i

not yet implemented: idln_ident

This command generted C++ files that contained the following header comment
and nothing else:

// -----------------------------------------------------
// generated by orbitcpp, do not edit
// -----------------------------------------------------

Is my installation of the C++ bindings incorrect or are the commands I'm
using for the C and C++ files wrong?


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