Re: JDK 1.4 ORB <-> ORBit


I have this problem that the server tells me:
ORBit-WARNING **: No POA found for operation  [-1073746988]

I have a gnome-application running and another (non-gnome) application communicating with it. As soon as
a user clicks a button in the gnome application, a method should be called on an object which was previously
registered with the application by the non-gnome application. The (remote) method call on that object works
when i just registered that object, but as soon as i get to gtk_main() and i click on the button, i got this
error on the non-gnome application side.

| NON GNOME                        |         | GNOME APP                                               |
| orb_init( )                      |         | gnome_CORBA_init( GNORBA_DISABLE_COOKIES|GNORBA_SERVER )|
| poa_manager_activate             |         | poa_manager_activate                                    |
| get-object-from ior              |   <--   | object_to_string()                                      |
| register-object                  |   -->   | object as data to signal_connect and custom function to call this
| perform()                        |   <--   | call method on object in register-object as test, THIS WORKS
| CORBA_ORB_run()                  |         | gtk_main()                                              |
| * No POA found for operation *   |   <--   | user clicks button                                      |
|                                  |         | loops forever: HANG                                     |

I can't find what can be wrong with the code... Is this a bug or is orbit unable to communicate with eachother
when they are both acting as orb-servers ? Have any of you any clues or pointers how i can fix my problem ?



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