Re: non-branded icons

On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 12:27 -0500, Dan Williams wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-12-07 at 17:59 +0100, Jakub Steiner wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> > Currently the Network Manager applet ships with Bluecurve branded icons.
> > I have created a set that follows the Tango style guidelines, which aims
> > to be fairly generic, desktop platform independent. 
> Hmm?  They weren't designed specifically for Bluecurve, but given most
> GNOME themes Diana thought the blue color looked best against their
> background (which other colors likely wouldn't).

Hi Dan,
looking at the mimetype icon, the ethernet icons, it is clearly
bluecurve with its isometric perspective. 

I think the default set ought to be more generic. In gnome we used to
have the style that tig & me developed over time (it's just briefly
described in the Gnome HIG). 

I'd like to move over to the more generic look than keep on maintaining
the GNOME look, but creating a GNOME icon set for NM is also an option.

Of course it would be rad to be able to ship different icon themes with
the application but that should possibly be discussed on xdg as it's a
file conflict packaging minefield.


Jakub Steiner <jimmac ximian com>

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