Re: Slow connection to wireless...

On Sat, 2004-12-18 at 10:08 +0100, Magnus Ottosson wrote:
> Hi!
> The NetworkManager is almost working great now. When I plugin a network 
> cable it switches to the wired connection instantly but when I unplug 
> the cable it takes several minitues for it to connect to the wireless. 
> Sometime it just sits there and scan for networks even thou it has found 
> my wireless network it doesn't connect to it...
> Mu version of software:
> NM cvs from yesterday
> hal 0.4.2
> dbus cvs from yesterday
> iproute2-
> Any ideas?

When its not connecting, can you grab the output of 'tail -
f /var/log/messages' after a suitable delay of the card not connecting,
and post it to this list?


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