Re: [Muine] My own little rant

On Sat, 2004-06-05 at 19:35 +0200, Jorn Baayen wrote:

> I obviously think my way is the right way ;) I'll elaborate a bit on
> that..
> Imagine having some compilation album, every track having a different
> artist.
> Artist: Various Artists, Title: Blah, Album: The Album is a sucky
> solution as the artist info is gone.
> Artist: Various Artists, Title: Some Artist - Blah, Album: The Album is
> sucky too, as artist information is contained in the title tag
> Artist: Some Artist, Title: Blah, Album: The Album seems to be just fine
> as no information is gone, and no tags are incorrectly used.
> So I think we should definetely support the 3rd case.

I disagree that "Various Artists" is a sucky solution.
Take the compilation "Now 42" for example.
About 40 different tracks, all different artists.
The artist is defintely not simply the artist of the first track.
How do you tag your albums which have 40 different artists on it?

I can see the Sigur Ros/Radiohead/.../...../...... getting a bit tedious
and unusable, given that ID3 only allowed what, 32 chars?


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