Re: [mlview-list] A plugin system for MlView

Le mercredi 27 octobre 2004 à 23:59 +0200, Nicolas Centa a écrit :
> Hi,
>         I just wrote a plugin system for MlView. It's not finished,
> it probably has a lot of bugs, but it's able to load simple plugins
> now (like this : :).
>     I hope we'll be able to extend MlView with others languages soon too.
>     My archive is available on (the branch is
> mlview--extensible--0.8).
>         If you have suggestions or anything to say about this .. I'm open :)
>         Cheers,
> Nicolas Centa
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> Mlview-list gnome org

Hi Nicolas

Just grabbed your archive to have a test: it's cooool...
Some little ui bugs like when a plugin is loaded the label won't change
to "Plugin loaded", and the plugin window won't close with the Close

On the technical side, did you write some API for plugins ? Like, what
can i do from a plugin now etc ? 
I didn't look at the code for now, but I'm really tempted to...i'd like
to add Mono support when i'll have some time.
Btw, please use 'export MLVIEW_DEVEL=on' before compiling (Dodji's
recomendation). You'll see the problem... :)

Anyway, so much cool possibilities now thanks to you... \o/
Keep it coming :)


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