GTK+ and Fortran 9x


Some time ago, I have created a library which makes it possible to use GTK+ and glibc partially from Fortran 9x. The project is called pilib (platform independent library) and is hosted on SourceForge: It is still in the alpha stadium, but it can be already used for some purpose.
The project is not really a language binding for GTK/gnome/glibc, because only a very small subset of the functionality can be used. It is designed to make the fortran programmer able to create GUIs independently of compiler and platform.
Perhaps you can nevertheless create a link to the project on the language binding page? As far as I know, it is currently the one and only possibility to use GTK+ from fortran (and the only non-commercial way to create GUIs from fortran...). I hope the project can get more popular this way.


Martin Hierholzer

Institut für Kernphysik Münster
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