Re: [jokosher-devel] Willing to do some work!

On 26/07/06, Stuart Langridge <sil kryogenix org> wrote:
I'd suggest that we want to leave the wiki stuff so people can edit
it, and then convert that to DocBook (perhaps with some sort of
semi-automated script thing), rather than writing anything directly in
I'm not convinced that there's an easy way to go from Wiki to DocBook.
There's just too much information missing. I automated a fair amount
with Vim macros when I did the Wiki->HTML, but Docbook is harder.

I'm thinking about it, though, and we may be able to use a
WikiProcessor to have the docs on the Wiki in Docbook. That way a new
translation means just copying the English version and translating the

It may be possible to have automation that would take Wiki markup for
a given language and cut and paste chunks into the English version of
the Docbook. Some type of template system would be necessary.

Jeff Ratliff (Gomer_X)

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