Re: [HIG] broken on RH7.3?

On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 03:05:56PM -0400, Luis Villa wrote:
> I don't know if this is a system-specific problem or a general problem,
> but is broken for me. It errors with a whole bunch of errors
> like:
> jade:/home/louie/work/gnome_cvs/web-devel-2/content/projects/gup/hig/hig_print.xml:67:0:E: cannot find "hig-ch-credits_print.xml"; tried "/home/louie/work/gnome_cvs/web-devel-2/content/projects/gup/hig/hig-ch-credits_print.xml", "/usr/share/sgml/hig-ch-credits_print.xml"
> Note that there is no 
> hig-ch-credits_print.xml
> but there is
> hig-ch-credits.xml.print
> Don't know if that means anything. FWIW, works fine.
> Any hints in the next two or so hours so I can print a copy before I
> head out of the office would be great...
> Luis

This is surely too late, but do you have the `rename` command?
It's a perl script last I checked. was written almost a year ago and has seen rare updates mostly
because it's just a quick hack, like is.

It's probably best to remove some of those now and get everything working
with the full-blown-whammy-jammy-xml tools, as was intended.

Greg Merchan, Creator of quick hacks that don't more than double module size.


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