[guadec-list] [HELP] Sponsored participants status

We have http://guadec.org/GUADEC2006/sponsoredparticipants 

Currently it is not clear for the GUADEC Committee which participants
have already paid their travel expenses and need to be refunded in
Vilanova (the default option requested to all of them) and which need to
have the flights booked by us. We also haven't checked whether all of
them are already registered, in which bungalows are they staying, which
ones need no-pork / only veg meals...

We need to contact them and have all this clear. It's not much work:

- Sending one email and chasing those not answering (yes, it happens)

- Making sure everybody has flight/travel tickets. Get a list of the
people that needs to be refunded with the exact amounts. Get the exact
details of the flights we need to book.

- Making sure the ones getting accommodation end up in 500 Series
bungalows. We started offering 850 but due to the amount of people
requesting sponsorship we will all downgrade to 500 in order to have
budget for more people.

- Getting a list of people with special needs in the meals.


- You need contact details, provided by Quim.

- You need access to the list of registered participants, provided by


If you want more, there is more.

- Well, I find that conceptually there is something unbalanced or
non-sustainable or plain wrong when the GUADEC Committee is helping so
many people coming to GUADEC and then we struggle so much trying to get
some help ourselves when we need it. I mean, it would be so easy to
spend just the 50% of this budget ("only" the 200% of the budget spent
in Stuttgart sponsoring participants) and secure the GUADEC 2006 budget
or hire a couple of people to leverage our work... 

I bet someone could get more 'volunteers' from the group of sponsored
participants if explaining better what needs to be done, packaging
better tasks, finding what everyone can do better... This takes time and
when there is no time available (the known fish eating its tail).

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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