Thanks, and a further question

Thanks guys for helping me out with the png saving question. A simple 

gdk_pixbuf_save (pixbuf, file_name, "png", NULL, NULL);

worked, though I don't know what I did wrong last time to cause it to

I have just one more question. Does anyone know if there's an example
for png saving options? The official documentation of GdkPixbuf only
says I can add "text chunks" to a png file by giving the parameter as
"tEXt::key", while 'key' is a text string with the length shorter than
79. And I really have no idea of what all this business is about.

Text chunks? Is there a simple example, like saving with different
compression methods using different parameters in the function? I think
an example is ten times more informative than abstract words.

And as always, thanks in advance for any helpful replies.


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