Re: Help installing GTK+-2.0 v 2.4.6

On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:04:39 -0400, valdis kletnieks vt edu
<valdis kletnieks vt edu> wrote:

> Is there a reason you're not using the RedHat-provided RPMs?

Sorry for nto getting back to this sooner...

yes... I was trying to compile the latest gtkpod which required
gtk+-2.0 v 2.4.0 or higher... and RH only provides up to 2.2.X....
(IIRC I actually compiled and installed gtk+ 2.4.5)

I ended up using rpms from Mandrake and to get the GTK
dependencies met, then compiled GTK+ 2.4.6, and went from there...

either way I got it all sorted out in the end...

------------------> Jeffrey Lane - W4KDH <-------------------
                    Yet another IT Ronin

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rights, no police, no courts.  Don't talk about fairness or
innocence, and don't talk about what should be done.  Instead,
talk about what is being done and what will be done by the
amorphous unreachable undefinable blob called "the internet
user base." -Paul Vixie

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