Yudit kmaps

Hello there!

I'm a frequent user of the IRC client X-chat, which uses GTK2.

Now, I was wondering if GTK2 could add some functions for using the ".kmap" files from yudit.org for input... These are placed somewhere in the user's home directory or in /usr/share and read on demand and are more or less of the format:

"qApla = 0x1337 0xdead 0xbeef 0xbabe",
"hito = 0xCAFE",
//The occasional comment
"nihon = 0x7777 0xa306"

Where the ASCII stuff on the left is what the user can type in to get the UTF-8 chars on the right (without spaces) to pop out in their input box. They're very clever, not really good for Chinese or Japanese, but they're gread for Korean, Runes, German, Norwegian/Swedish/Danish etc. (Even Arabic I think), and there are already more than 100 input methods in the .kmap format as far as I can remember.

Wouldn't this be a pretty quick hack to implement in GTK2?


Dave Oftedal

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