Re: text or clist

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Sylvain Trias wrote:
> Hi again folks!
> We want to display some text in a window for our lan chat program.
> GtkText seems buggy (mail list) Clist can't do line wrap ???
> What could we use ?

Use GtkTextView from the GTK+ v2.0 API (v1.3.2 is available for developing your
code now). It means you won't be able to release a stable version of your
app until 2.0 comes out, but that's a small price to pay in my view.

Ali Harlow                              Email: ali avrc city ac uk
Research programmer                     Tel:   (020) 7477 8000 X 4348
Applied Vision Research Centre          Intl: +44 20 7477 8000 X 4348
City University                         Fax:   (020) 7505 5515
London                                  Intl: +44 20 7505 5515

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