
Ugggh...this stinks. :*(

Every time I get past a major hurdle in GTK+, another one comes 

For some odd reason, the gdk_window_set_cursor doesn't always 
work. What I want to do is to change my window's cursor to an 
hourglass whenever a button is clicked, before a modal dialog box 
appears. However, the function ALWAYS works for one of the 
buttons I press, but NEVER works for the others. This behavior is 
consistent, and the mechanism for calling gdk_window_set_cursor 
isn't any different for any of the buttons!

An example:

	/* My window is a global variable. */
	static GtkWidget *my_window;

	/* These are my cursors. */
	static GdkCursor *cursor_arrow;
	static GdkCursor *cursor_wait;

	/* This is one of the button's callback functions. */
	void callback_function (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data)
		/* Change the window's cursor to an hourglass. */
			panel_window -> window, cursor_wait
		 * Perform the button's intended operation, which doesn't
		 * block GTK event processing.
		perform_button_operation ();
		 * Restore the main panel's cursor
		 * to the left-arrow pointer.
			panel_window -> window,

But for some reason, this isn't working. Is there something I'm 


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