Re: [gtk-list] Proper Panel Swallowing?

On Tue, Oct 26, 1999 at 11:57:03AM -0500, Scot E. Wilcoxon wrote:

> I did get gstripchart to be swallowed when using the full name "Gnome
> stripchart viewer" (as reported by xwininfo)..sometimes.  Sometimes I
> get several copies appearing at startup.

I've had this problem in the past, but it seems to have resolved
itself to some extent with newer versions of (I would guess) the
gnome-core module.  The problem with several copies at startup can be
caused if you started gstripchart, and them supplied both a title and
an command in the "Create swallowed applet" window.  This would (as
near as I can tell) launch a new copy of the running app, then swallow
one app while leaving the other copy running.

I'm working on adding a --type=applet option to gstripchart as the
long-term, correct solution to this problem.  I hope this helps you
work around the symptoms in the mean while.

-- John Kodis.

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