Re: [gtk-list] Question about sorting a CLIST

Mon Nov 15 1999, Raul Dias ->
> Hi again,
> I have two questions about sorting a clist.
> The first one.
> Is there any other sorting type, other than ascending and descending?
> Like numeric.  Or I have to implement that in my app?

I had the same problem, so I just cut'n'pasted the code from gtkclist.c
and changed it a bit. Look at the bottom of this message.

Then I just used gtk_clist_set_sort_type to change to the function,
which uses the sort column set by gtk_clist_set_sort_column.

> How do I get the new row number from a selected row after sorting it?
> Is there somerhing like gtk_get_current_selected_row()?
> The closest I got is a function to map x and y to row and column.

There is a field in the GtkClist struct which is called selection.
It is a GList, and its contents are the row numbers of the selected
rows. To get the row number from the data component, use the

If the selection mode of the clist is GTK_SELECTION_SINGLE or
GTK_SELECTION_BROWSE, then there could of course be at most one item in
the GList.


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