Releasing preview chapters and samples

Chapters 2-7 for my book on programming on Linux are up at my web site
as are some examples.  Chapters 2-7 cover GTK and if you know GTK
already, you won't learn anything new, but for newbies, there are a
few applications that are commented that you might learn some GTK
programming.  There will be a couple more chapters on GTK, but those
aren't done yet and will be released after a couple of the other
chapters are finished. 

The web site is at

Comments, suggestions, and corrections can be sent to me, but please,
no flames.  Also, no complaints allowed on the subject that the some
of the samples (notepad, calculator, minesweeper) are copied from
Windows applications.  The philosophy behind it is that the growth of
Linux development has to come at the expense of some group of
developers and I prefer to think of it as coming from the large group
of Windows developers.  What better way to explain development and get
people comfortable with it than to show familiar applications? 
Besides, I'm sure there will be a more Win95 front end on Linux for
newbies and they'll need minesweeper. <g> 

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