

	I've just started working with gtk/gnome, and I was wandering if
it is possible to have pixmaps as menu/scrollbar backgrounds without using
gtk themes and other simmilar stuff, i.e. if it can be done within the C
program. Can anyone tell me how to do it?



| Laur IVAN                           | Address (back home):               |
| University of Limerick              | St:Tr. Magurele 3, Bl:C2, Apt:137, |
| Schuman Bldg., Room SG-29           | Sect: 4, Bucharest, ROMANIA        |
| Limerick, IRELAND                   | Tel/Fax: +40-1-330.1177            | 
|         E-mail: laur.ivan@ul.ie or laur.ivan@scare.csis.ul.ie            |
|         HTTP:   http://scare.csis.ul.ie/~ilaur                           |
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