Re: [gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: GtkConsole 0.0.1

Lyndon Drake wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm working on a GTK+ frontend for R, which is an interpreted stats
> language.  Since I couldn't find anything suitable to act as a
> console for R, I have written GtkConsole.
> This is my first real GTK+ programming experience, so I would very
> much appreciate any comments and suggestions.
> GtkConsole is derived from GtkText, and is designed to act as a
> front end for a program that needs to write output and read user
> input.  GtkConsole has functions for writing text from a buffer to
> the console, enabling input from the console, and reading the
> input.  It can also emit signals when characters or lines are
> available for reading (sort of like a select).
> Thanks to all the people on gtk-list and gtk-app-devel-list for
> their help with various questions.
> Lyndon
> PS: How can I find the start and end of the selected text in a
> GtkText widget?  I need to prevent deletions of text outside the
> input area in GtkConsole.
> --
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Dude, we have the same name!

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