Re: [gtk-list] Re: Windows NT port of GTK+

Louis-David Mitterrand wrote: This would be potentially huge:

> - cross-platform GUI development from Linux, no need to reboot;
> - possible cross-compilation to both targets with the Cygnus tools;
> - consistent GUI framework on Win95/NT and Linux;
> - third-party (commercial) widget developers getting interested in GTK;
> - immediately a huge market for Linux developers of shareware and
>   commercial apps that refuse to work in W32;
> - de facto standardisation on the GTK L&F;
> - legions of talented Windows developers trying out Linux and (at last)
>   able to work with Linux _and_ make a living;
> - exposure to mainstream computer press;
>   etc.., etc...
> This is very exciting.

Hmm.  I was working on this programmatic model which might, if applied properly,
affect the world's ocean currents... ;-}

That second-to-last point was something that I would count on, especially if
there was GIMP for Windows.   You know the documentation would be spackled with,
"unless your using Windows, then it's slow."  If GIMP were ported to Windows, it
would be good enough for someone to do their homepage graphics, but SLOW.  It
would kinda' force real web designers to go get Linux.  Encouraging them to go
get something free shouldn't be all that hard, especially if they already know
how to use the software.

It *would* be really neat if GTK+ was the de facto standard for developing
widgets, although I don't know how realistic that is.

-Jay 'Eraserhead' Felice

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