Re: [gtk-list] widgets not always resizing????????????

On 19 Jan, Owen Taylor shouted:
->  > Has anyone had the problem where they create a drawing area, then call
->  > gtk_drawing_area_size() on it an dit doesn't resize?
->  > I've gotten around this by after the area size doing a hide then show..
->  > but its ugly as hell. and then the callback signal for the configure
->  > event on the drawing area does get called.. but the area isn't resized,
->  > and so the widget isn't sized properly and the drawing is all wrong...
->  > anyone got workarounds/hints/tips ?
->  drawing_area_size merely changes the _requested_ size. In fact,
->  even that requested size can be overriden by gtk_widget_set_usize().
->  (Drawing_area_size probably should be thought of as changing
->  the default size.)
->  Most likely, you need to change the policy on the toplevel window.
->  void       gtk_window_set_policy               (GtkWindow           *window,
->  						gint                 allow_shrink,
->  						gint                 allow_grow,
->  						gint                 auto_shrink);
->  But if the configure event gets called with a size the widget
->  doesn't have, that is a bug.

hmm actually setting auto_shrink to 1 mad eit work.. but i ask.. my
windows did shrink AND grow... i had allow_shirnk and allow_grow on the
parent window on, but not auto_srink... it did work well up to a
point.. is there an untrapped case happening here? I seem to smell it..
but I may be wrong... 

->  Regards,
->                                          Owen

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