Changing window layout

	Owen's help on my testing codes did work(Thanks). But then i face other
problems when i go do my app. So i'll have restate my original question.
 	I'd like to create a [back] and a [next] button to change window layout.
So that a click on [next] Changes the current layout to a new layout and [back]
takes it back to the prev one.

|-----------------------|                |------------------------|
|                       |                | -Frame----------------||
| -Opening window-      |                | |  -window layout 2-  ||
|                       |                | |     <> item_n       ||
|                       |                | |     <> item_m       ||
|                       |                | |_____________________||
|_______________________|                |________________________|
|  <exit>     <next>    | clicked <next> |   <back>     <next>    |
|_______________________|                |________________________|

click on <back> will take me back to Opening window. (I hope the drawings make
sense). There'll be about 6 different layouts.

Here's what i thougth would work(but didnt of course)

	create a toplevel_window (that contains a vbox)
		 pack dialog_windows into vbox
		 pack hbox into vbox
 		 pack the two buttons into hbox
		 add callback functions to buttons that show/hide the windows
                 so that only one dialog_window is visible.

I did exactly that, and it shows just the dialog_window. My hbox with the
buttons arent there.

Is this approach correct? Can i pack a dialog_window into a box?.

I thougth of another way which is to show/hide the widgets themselves on the
toplevel_window to change the layout rather than to hide/show the
dialog_windows. But it seems tedious and doesnt sound right.

Any help will be much appreciated.
						Thanks in advance,

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