Re: Which one should I use, pango or xft or core x font?

On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 10:44:14AM +0800, Huang Ying wrote:
> Now, I am writing a gtk+ frontend for lyx. I need something to render
> text in lyx. Because the lyx project begins earlier than pango project,
> they do i18n things, such as RTL rendering, themselves, and need a very
> low level rendering system that simply render a string with given text
> and font or fontset. But I just see a very high level rendering api in
> pango.
> The question is: for project like lyx that does all the i18n work and
> line breaks, word breaks things themselves, Which rendering system
> should be used? Pango, xft or core x font system?

How does the qt front-end of lyx handle those things? I figure recent qt
has similar issues with rendering (e.g: does its own bidi rendering).

Tzafrir Cohen                       +---------------------------+ |vim is a mutt's best friend|
mailto:tzafrir technion ac il       +---------------------------+

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