Re: Standard Hebrew Keyboard Layout

On Sun, 2001-10-07 at 10:57, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Oct 2001 dov imagic weizmann ac il wrote:
> > The slash and the semicolon are in the layout. I thought that on
> > top of W is apostrophe.
> Apostrophe indeed. The hebrew layout does not have a backtick (one
> character had to be dropped, and the backtick was chosen).

This layout seems wrong to me - I am sitting at a keyboard which has the
hebrew settings marked - the slash is on the Q (I didin't see a slash in
the hebrew layout), the semicolon is on the ~ (ditto).
It makes a difference to users - I only see slash and semicolon in the
english layout.
I assume that customizing the map is rather easy, so I can have the
Nikud as I am used to it in Windows (SI 1452)?

Uri David

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