[GnomeMeeting-list] Error building opal

When building opal on gentoo, I've got this error :

> /var/tmp/portage/opal-2.2.1/work/opal-2.2.1/src/sip/sipep.cxx:1584:
>  error: `PIPSocketAddressAndPortVector' was not declared in this scope

PIPSocketAddressAndPortVector should have been defined in /usr/include/ptclib/pdns.h (from pwlib)

In fact, if I modify sipep.h in order to define PIPSocketAddressAndPortVector, the compilator then complains of a missing member (LookupSRV) in the PDNS namespace, which also should have been defined in pdns.h.

From that I deduce that pdns.h is not read. But I don't understand why, since sipep.cxx contains "#include <ptclib/enum.h> and enum.h includes pdns.h.

Has someone some clue ?

Thanks !

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