Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] [Problem]: The commucation breaks each 20 seconds

Hi Damien,

It works again :)

The Configuration Druid report: NAT Blocked, and as you advised me, I have 
enabled IP Translation and forwarded the ports exposed at the FAQ to that 
kind of NAT.
   Listening Port: TCP port 1720
   RTP Port Range: UDP port range [5000-5016]

I do not know why the Configuration Druid reported some days ago, "NAT Cute", 
and it reports always 'Blocked' now.   Maybe due to a nessus attack which a 
friend was doing against my 3Com router ?

Anyway, it works!. Thank very much for your software and gratis support.


Damien Sandras wrote:
> Hi Davi,
> > I  have realized an almost complete check plan:
> [...]
> Indeed.
> Notice STUN only affects UDP ports. My question is now :
> - does it work if you disable STUN and enable IP translation instead?
> STUN doesn't seem to work for a reason that I don't understand,
> actually, the only possibility could be that you have local firewall on
> the machine running GnomeMeeting.
> [...]

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