[GnomeMeeting-list] [OpenH323]OpenACM.org

On Sun, 11 Jan 2004 22:00:20 +0100
Kilian Krause <kk verfaction de> wrote:

> > > >  -> How to get the SpeexNarrow-15k on windows ? For your reference, I
> > > > managed to get the Speex codec from openacm.org into windows netmeeting ,
> > > > at least it displays in the netmeeting audio. But the codec seems not to
> > > > match with the one in gnomemeeting ? It has numerous modes 8..32KHZ Q1-Q8
> > > > ... which one does in fact match , if at all , with the gnomemeeting one


I had never even heard of http://www.openacm.org until I saw this email
from Kilian! 

I guess the reason why this does not interoperate with GM is because the
codecs from OpenACM.org will use a H.323 capability that consists of a
WAV header just like MS-GSM and all of the other MS-specific codecs. 

There is something in me that hates the idea of adding a third set of
capabilities for Speex into OpenH323, because that means that using
Speex will require no less than 24 capability table entries. But, I
suspect this is the way it will have to be. 

I will add these new capabilities into the new plugin codec code. I'm
not intending to add these to the existing Speex code, unless someone
feels very strongly otherwise.


 Craig Southeren, craigs postincrement com http://www.postincrement.com
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