Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Connection Problem


I have the same problem with getting almost instantly disconnected
(also the closing / opening of videodevice message) when attempting a
connection to a Netmeeting whatever version it may be (I tried against
Netmeeting 2.11 and 3.01). I will try to describe what I tried till

I have the camera installed on the firewall of my network, which is a
Mandrake 9.0. Same symptom remains also when firewall is disabled
completely and a portscan on myself showed no blocking of any ports. So
firewall is not an issue.I tried both with Gnomemeeting 93.1 and 94.1.

I tried against a WinXp NetMeeting 3.01 and a Win98SE 2.11 and still
same. Tried to kill the sound server but still no go.

But I did find out one funny thing.

If the other person disables the videotransmission, then it works. It
works meaning that he can see me and hear me and I can hear him. As
soon as he starts the video transmission from his netmeeting,
connection is lost. In most cases I see in my call logs "The other
party has cleared the connection.".

I don't know if knowing that without video transmission from the
NetMeeting end works will help, but thought I'd share it. If anyone can
instruct me how to start both NetMeeting and Gnomemeeting with debug
output I would appreciate it. Maybe I can provide some more input on
what is happening.

BTW, me and the other guy have both A-DSL 768/128 Kb dl/ul. So I don't
think speed is a prob. On the other hand I succesfully connected to
other persons running Gnomemeeting.

Tweaking any possible settings including video quality and FPS
limitation didn't help at all (and beleive me when I say that for the
last 2 days I tried everything I could change in the configs/options
and searched the entire net for solutions). And BTW, disable video
and/or audio on my side didn't change a thing. The connection breaks as
soon as the NetMeeting user turns on video transmission.

Best regards,
Adrian Golumbovici

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