Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] WIN32 todos


On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 17:02:11 +0200, Julien PUYDT wrote:
> Michael Rickmann a écrit :
>> 2) What about a Windows intaller for Ekiga ? Has anybody here any
>> experience or even started to work on it already ? I think editing
>> the Windows environment by hand to get the GTK+ working is far too
>> dangerous for a typical Windows user.
> Indeed.

FWIW, I've never edited anything by hand to get Ekiga working on XP.
I just tried again on a GTK+-clean machine and everything works
automatically (obviously after a reboot).  Steps:

1) install the latest GTK+ from

2) reboot

3) start the latest Ekiga snapshot (which, BTW, misses the icon in the
   .exe file)

No need to edit something by hand :-)

And I prefer this approach (a separate GTK+ package) instead of the
Gaim's one (GTK+ included in the installer).

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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