Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Dbus helper implementation

> Damien Sandras a écrit :
>> Excellent news!
> Excellent like "Ok to commit" ?

If you think it is ok, yes.

> Snark
> PS1: As a follow-up on where I'm at, here is the big plan for
> gnomemeeting and dbus :
> 1) Implement dbus-helper ;
> 2) Implement a standalone dbus-component with dummy functionality ;
> 3) Implement a remote-control app to test the dummy dbus-component ;
> 4) Merge the dbus-component code in gnomemeeting tree, and begin to
> implement real functionality in the functions (using the remote to
> trouble-check at each step).
> I'm at big step 3 with the following small plan :
> 1) setup a basic single-window application ;
> 2) add the account view and control ;
> 3) add the calls view and control.
> And I'm at small step two, and just need to add a context menu to get
> registering/unregistering going (the backend code is there ; only the ui
> is missing). The calls view will be a little more complex, but I hope to
> have it by the end of the week.
> PS2: Don't you love it when the PS is way larger than the mail itself ?!
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