Re: Getting a page up [wiki wiki moin moin]

On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 10:46 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Curtis Hovey">
> > I setup a wiki over the weekend to get a feel for it.  I think we can have
> > a working gnomesummit wiki my Next Monday, October 24.  Is that ok with
> > every one.
> I'll have a wiki for the summit up today. It, like the GUADEC one, will be
> temporary, because we can't set up a centralised one until d.g.o is ready
> for it. It'll be available though.

Cool, sounds great. I think getting something up quickly here for the 
summit is the most important, so I'll leave my comments at that.


OK, I can't leave my comments at that, so I'll throw in some more,
but all post-summit :-)

 - Having a a maintained Wiki, commonly used Wiki site doesn't bother me
   much from a security point of view, but having CGI scripts sitting in
   a corner unmaintained would be a problem.

 - Any Wiki we set up permanently should have fairly strong registration
   procedures that prevent Wiki-spam. This might just be hoping on an
   IRC channel and finding someone to enable your account, but shouldn't
   be automated.

 - Structure and outdated content are the great failing of Wikis. Having
   a team actively moving stuff around and cleaning up is probably 

 - From looking at MoinMoin in the context of it seems like a reasonable choice.
   It's horrid, but no worse than any other Wiki. :-)

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