Some questions on d.g.o online docs

Hi there!
I've got some questions regarding the generation of our online API
references on d.g.o:
How are they generated? Is there any CVS accessible source for the
generation scripts?
What I'd like to change is
- Unify their look. Take libgnomeui, it's page layout follows the style
of former 1.x times. The new style is already used by GTK+/Glib and all
the other non-GNOMEish core libs. All docs in my local gtk-doc dir
follow the new layout, too - I assume we just have to do some
regeneration magic.
- Add links from 1.x docs to their 2.x counterparts and the note that
they are obsolete. This has to be done manually as some of the docs'
file names changed (slightly, though). Google, which is in fact used by
most of the devels looking for API docs, still lists the 1.x docs first
- if I'd be a third-party application developer, I'd just use google to
search for particular methods.



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