Re: Communication [Sun wise] -

On Tue, Mar 13, 2001 at 04:31:33PM -0500, Russell Steinthal wrote:
> Joakim and fellow web hackers,

> In a recent e-mail to gnome-private, Joakim wrote:

>> This is a good idea. We made the "Meet the developers" section of
>> back in May, but that has to be maintained by hand, and is a
>> big pain. For the new GNOME site, we're planning on doing this in a more
>> sensible fashion, that is, letting developers register and edit their own
>> info.
>> If you have ideas on what should be included, please let us know, by Cc:ing
>> stuff to gnome-web-list gnome org 
> The GNOME Foundation membership committee is going to have to create
> something similar to this to track membership applications, including,
> at least, name, contact information, some idea of what projects people
> are contributing to, corp. affiliation (if any), etc.  While there's
> data which we will need to store for membership purposes (expiration
> dates, approval by the membership committee, etc.), perhaps the
> "Biographical" information could be shared with your "Meet the
> developers" section?  (Subject, of course, to a developer choice to
> opt-out from your interface, although our database will likely be
> mandatory for members.)  The nice thing about a relational database 
> is that we could easily share some data, while still keeping a table 
> for membership-only data which was limited to our access, etc.

> I was going to start hacking on this this week, but perhaps we can 
> pool our efforts?  Or at least not design systems which will be 
> fundamentally incompatible down the road?

Indeed, it would be excellent to combine these efforts.

Where are you planning to host your database? What are the technical details?
Our requirements are rather lax, so if you have a design already, it'd be
best if you told us about it, I think.

Joakim Ziegler - Ximian web monkey - joakim ximian com - Radagast IRC
  FIX sysop - free software coder - FIDEL & Conglomerate developer -

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