Re: Tweaked New Comp



Part of me likes the cleaner lines in Ulf's, but I think I miss some
of the three-dimensional depth and complexity that Martin's scheme
had. A specific example is where his left menu bar section buttons
have a thin (one pixel) area between them where the background shows
through. It makes them float above the field they're over.

2D web design is popular right now, treating them like documents
rather than environments. KDE's site has always had a flat look to it
(like Netscape,, but my personal preference is for a design
that has a more layered look, like the old GNOME site and Martin's.
IMO, it gives each space a little more character and better defines
it's relationship to the rest of the page. Goes along with the 3D
nature of the GNOME icons, too.

But if we go with a flat look, Ulf's vocabulary is right on.

BTW, why not use the GNOME search icon magnifying glass

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