Re: mime-info/user.keys can't be modified, please help.

Hi Jody

Thanks for your information.

My latest progress is:

If I use gnome_vfs_mime_freeze()  and gnome_vfs_mime_thaw() to enclose the
gnome_vfs_mime_set_value invocation, the file use.keys would be modified if I
run the code consecutively two times. But any single run will not modify the user.keys.

I just don't understand the reason. Now digging into the source code of gnome-vfs, try
to figure out why.



Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 09:42:28AM +0800, Paul Huang wrote:
I tried to change the value true to false and reboot the machine, it 
seems that the problem still
exists. Can u give me some further suggestions?

My next guess would be to add some g_warning calls in the gnome-vfs
code that spews that file.

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