User-friendly error dialogs for GnomeVFS errors

I've put together some routines that take error codes from GnomeVFS, and
attempt to generate user-friendly HIG-compliant error dialogs.

The code is within Conglomerate, a free user-friendly XML editor

The code attempts to handle all the possible error codes from GnomeVFS
and tries to generate the most meaningful messages it can, with
"convenience buttons" for common workarounds where appropriate.

You can see some screenshots of the dialogs at:
(File->Open failed, due to a case-sensitivity problem)
(File->Save failed when writing a large file to an almost-full floppy

There's also some reusable code for doing a save confirmation before
closing a file:

Is it worth refactoring this code into a shared library so that other
apps can use it (and e.g. all the strings can be translated once, rather
than for every app)?  The code is currently licensed under the GPL, but
these parts are all by me and I can relicense them under LGPL.

Dave Malcolm

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